Angafaru Region

B. An'gaafaru



Total Area

769.00 ha

Contact Number
Baa Atoll BR Office - 6608466
Ranger Hotline - 7905949

High biodiversity marine region and standing population of hard and soft corals and associated marine invertebrates and vertebrates. Reef system is directly associated with the unique dynamic water circulation system of Hanifaru that during western monsoons aggregated for feeding high numbers of endangered mega fauna animals (whale sharks and manta rays). This reef site is therefore biologically and biodiversity significant for the Baa Atoll, Maldives and globally for mega fauna animals. This marine area has a very high tourism value for mega fauna and recreational diving and snorkelling. This core area includes the internationally acclaimed dive site of Dhonfanu thila and “shark alley”. This site located on the southern section of the Angaafaru reef was renowned for the resident population of sharks. Unfortunately the population currently of sharks utilising this site has all but gone due to commercial fishing. Roosting site for the Roseate and black Napped Terns.


Date of Protection:
05 June 2009


No activities.