K.Kaashidhoo Wetland

K. Kaashidhoo


Total Area

42.75 ha

Contact Number

Not listed.

K. Kaashidhoo wetlands area is recorded to have the highest number of Black Turtle/ Melanochelys trijuga thermalis out of the three islands in which they are seen. This species of turtles was given protection under the act number 4/93 (Environmental Protection and Preservation Act) on 22nd May 2003. In terms of its surroundings, this area can be divided into 3 main categories: Small leaved orange mangrove area, kulhlhavah mangrove area, and the area where palm trees and screw pines (kashikeyo) grow. The types of trees that can be seen in this area include small leaved orange mangrove (kan’doo), bon’davaki, and kuhlhavah. Tortoises use fallen kuhlhavah and screw pines fruits as food. Therefore, this area is considered environmentally significant as it provides a food source for the tortoises. The survey conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2019 recorded a total of 34 tortoises in this area.


Protected Area Category
  • Category 7 - Protected Area with Sustainable Use
Date of Protection:
13 February 2021


No activities.