Mathi Kilhi

Seenu (S)



Total Area

54.10 ha

Contact Number
Addu Nature Park - 7580059

This is a large wetland area on the west side of Addu-Hulhudhoo. Because this area is covered in wetlands, the rain that the island gets is easily absorbed into the ground, and this prevents flooding in the island. The soil of this area is also fertile, and is used by some of the locals for agriculture. The greenery of this island includes Sea Hibiscus (Dhiggaa), Portia tree (Hirun’dhu) and Thatch Screwpine (Boakashikeyo), which grow in large numbers. ‘Kaafaruburu’ a type of tree that grows in water, can also be seen in large numbers. These trees have covered a large area of the wetland. These trees can be dangerous to the survival of the creatures that live here, and could ultimately reduce the number of birds that visit here. To protect the species that live in this area, it is important to find ways to stop the spread of alien species that are not compatible with its environment. Moreover, since this area is also used for agriculture, deforestation and the use of chemicals should be monitored and a policy should be developed to protect the area from such harms. Hence, in order to protect the wildlife in this area, it is important to protect and maintain.


Protected Area Category
  • Category 7 - Protected Area with Sustainable Use
Alternative Name
Mathi Kilhi Eco Garden
Date of Protection:
22 September 2020


No activities.