V. Vattaru Kandu

Vaavu (V)



Total Area

9,718.00 ha

Contact Number

Not listed.

Vattaru Atoll is geographically located between Vaavu and Meemu Atolls. The island of Vattaru is 1.4 hectares and is recorded to have a total of 5 types of trees. The wetland area on the north side of this island is considered to be a healthy environment as all sizes of Bruguiera cylindrica (kan’doo) trees are found growing in it. A lot of Pemphis (kuredhi gas) are also found in this island. Additionally, there are also multiple types of birds seen in this island. These include, Ardea cinereal/ Grey Heron (Maakanaa), Nycticorax/ Black-crowned Night Heron (Raabon’dhi), Charadrius mongolus/ Lesser Sand Plover (Bon’dana), Actitis hypoleucos/ Common Sandpiper (Fin’dhana) and Corvus corax/ Common Raven (kaalhu). Vattaru atoll’s sea is recorded to have a great number of grouper fish. Therefore, it is important to preserve this area and the life in it. In order to maintain the Maldivian protected sea life, it is essential to protect this area as well. In addition, the mangrove and wetlands areas are known to keep the freshwater lens of the island clean and help prevent flooding. They also play a key role in preventing global warming by acting as carbon sinks.


Date of Protection:
21 October 1999


No activities.