ސިކްސް ސެންސަސް ލާމު އޯއީސީއެމް

L. އޮޅުވެލި

ޑަބްލިއު.ޑީ.ޕީ.އޭ އައިޑީ

ޖުމްލަ އޭރިއާ

0.00 ހެކްޓަރ


އޯ.އީ.ސީ.އެމް ތައް

ގުޅޭނެ ނަންބަރު

ލިސްޓްކުރެވިފައެއް ނެތް.

Six Senses Laamu is located at the mouth of the widest channel in Laamu, and therefore is an area of high productivity and diversity.  36 genera of coral have been found on the reefs, in addition to  more than 200 species of fish recorded on both the reefs and seagrass meadows to date, including endemic and non-described species. Endangered and critically endangered megafauna, including Nepoleon wrasse, two species of sea turtle, six species of ray and six species of shark, are found on the reefs and seagrass meadows, in addition to the beach being a Green turtle nesting hot spot, with multiple nest recorded thoguhout the year. The seagrass meadows within the proposed OECM contain six of the eight recorded species of seagrass in the country, providing ta fish nursery, food source, carbon sink and stabalisation of the sea floor.


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